Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wardrobe Wednesday {One stop shopping featuring Boden}

Well well. What do you know? Another week has passed w/out a blog post from me. Trust me, I have TONS to share but recently have had no time to share. Until then, here is another Wardrobe Wednesday brought to you by the super duper talented Morgan Dawson, of Morgan Dawson Photography. I LOVE Wardrobe Wednesdays, but do you know what I love more? One stop shopping. Easy and simple WITH variety. :) I know a lot of you moms identify!

I have to admit for my own family photo shoot (pics to come soon!), I followed the one stop shopping adage. I got all of our coordinating outfits from the Gap. We looked like such a typical all-American family! I guess because we are. ;)

Morgan says:

"This week we're all about saving time and adding convenience.

That’s because I had to figure out: What’s a girl to do when her Wardrobe Wednesday post is unexpectedly due a week early? It’s easy! One-stop shop at a place that picks the outfits FOR you.

I’m probably the last one to the Boden party, but better late than never, right? Not only do they have adult clothing, they also have lines for kids (miniBoden) and teens (Johnnie B). So when you’re shopping for a family, this is really a great place to start. It also helps that Boden has a chill, relaxed style (who doesn’t love clothing you can actually live in!) and a tendency to feature bright colors. Always great for a photo shoot!

Often we suggest picking a piece or color and creating an outfit around it. With Boden, once you select an item you’ll see photos and links to other clothing and accessories that will complete the look - from head to toe. It’s that easy!

Are you visual (like me) and need to see a few more outfit combinations? You’re in luck (as long as you’re shopping in the women’s section). Boden provides an outfit creator that allows you to add and subtract items on a virtual mannequin. I’m great at picking out individual pieces, but when I’m buying for myself, I struggle with creating an entire look. This is such a huge help.

Need a few more reasons to check out Boden?

  1. Check out their sale or clearance items. While some places wait until the season is over to start pricing things down, Boden isn’t afraid to discount current styles.
  2. You can order items for your entire family and only check out once - with a flat shipping rate of $10.
  3. If you call Boden you hear the most polite voice recording from owner Johnnie Boden himself - with a charming British accent :-)

Cheers and happy shopping!"


LOVE the ideas and simplicity of Boden. Check them out and have fun!


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