Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trevor {Downtown Fort Myers Baby Photographer)

Excuse the overload of pictures this post. But I cannot help myself! Can this little guy be any cuter? I think not.

I love this age. Babies are so much fun!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Wednesday: What to Wear For Your Portrait Session

I often get the question "what do you think we should wear for our session?". Good question, since your session is an want to look your best! You also want your images to reflect your family's personality and to fit into your home, right?

I often tell clients to try to dress with some pops of color. I personally think children look best in bright colors OR pops of color (hair bows, scarves, socks, want to bring out some color in the pics...make it fun!). So, I usually tell clients to start with the girl (if there is one!), and dress her in bright colors and/or patterns. I then tell them to choose colors within what she is wearing and coordinate the rest of the family. By coordinate, I do not necessarily mean match, just don't clash.

Take some tips from this family. :) Colorful, cute and fun!

Also, check out this blog for some great tips on the latest trends, ideas and great places to purchase clothing!

One more thought: if your child has a favorite "lovey", "friend", stuffed animal or toy...bring it along! These extras make for more personalized images...make your images memorable!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random Wednesday: Snapshots

Sometimes the best pictures, are those that are not posed. Some people like to refer to them as "snapshots", I prefer to refer to them as lifestyle portraits.

Such special moments are caught when the subject(s) are not aware the photo is being taken. I love these kind of moments. They make me smile. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

STRENGTH {Fort Myers Photographer}

Wife. Mother. Daughter. Friend. Survivor. This is Marti. Several years ago, Marti was diagnosed with breast cancer, and after many rounds of chemo and radiation, she BEAT IT. Go Marti. Now, she is faced with another challenge-lung cancer. However, she is a very strong woman-and that is why she will beat this. Marti and her husband contacted me and requested a session of the two of them before the chemo started to cast its awful side effects. Marti emailed me 5 days after this session to tell me we did it just in the nick of time--her hair had started falling out in clumps.

Chin up, Marti. This is only another bump in the road of your life. You have the strength to get through this. Thank you for allowing me to capture some sweet moments between you and Alan.