Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Random Wednesday becomes Wardrobe Wednesday!

I am very excited to announce that the day formally known as "Random Wednesday" is now officially "Wardrobe Wednesday"! Why change it, you ask? I can be random anytime...right? Just kidding. :) The real reason is because, hands down, the most frequently asked question I get from clients is "what should we wear?". Well...you asked for it! Every week, I will post suggestions regarding what to wear for your photo session. Family sessions, maternity sessions, children's sessions...it'll all be right here!

I was lucky enough to "meet" and collaborate with several other FANTASTIC photographers from across the country in order to keep this new feature flowing from week to week. Let's meet them, shall we?

They are all very talented...and now you can see I wasn't exaggerating when I said from ACROSS the country!

And now, without further delay, I give you the first installment of Wardrobe Wednesday! This weeks ensemble, was put together by the talented Kelly Valeri of Kelly V. Photography in Pennsylvania! LOVE the colors...these outfits would make for a fantastic family session!

the details...

Shirt: Old Navy, $19.50
Shorts: Old Navy, $19.50
Shoes: Clarks, $46.50

Shirt: Old Navy, $24.50
Capris: Ann Taylor Loft: $69.50
Bracelet: Gap, $16.50
Earrings: Etsy, $21 http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43849005&ref=sr_gallery_6&&ga_search_query=Aqua+chalcedony+silver+earrings&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title

Dress: The Children's Place, $9.98
Sweater: The Children's Place, $3.99 (sale)
Shoes: The Children's Place, $12.50 (two for $20)
Headband: Etsy, $8 http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=44659781

Shirt: The Children's Place, $11.98
Shorts: The Children's Place, $11.98
Shoes: The Children's Place, $19.50

I hope you enjoyed the first installment of Wardrobe Wednesday! Ready to book your session? Email me to book a fun and colorful spring session! shannonjdodge@gmail.com

1 comment:

Brooke said...

OH! What a neat idea! I will send my clients to your site to figure out wardrobe! :) Love these outfits!