Wednesday, March 10, 2010

STRENGTH {Fort Myers Photographer}

Wife. Mother. Daughter. Friend. Survivor. This is Marti. Several years ago, Marti was diagnosed with breast cancer, and after many rounds of chemo and radiation, she BEAT IT. Go Marti. Now, she is faced with another challenge-lung cancer. However, she is a very strong woman-and that is why she will beat this. Marti and her husband contacted me and requested a session of the two of them before the chemo started to cast its awful side effects. Marti emailed me 5 days after this session to tell me we did it just in the nick of time--her hair had started falling out in clumps.

Chin up, Marti. This is only another bump in the road of your life. You have the strength to get through this. Thank you for allowing me to capture some sweet moments between you and Alan.


Joy said...

Oh my, these are absolutely stunning! You have captured so much emotion and love in these, I am just awed. Wonderful, wonderful work.

Stueller said...

She is beautiful and so are these pictures. I love the walking on the sand and footprints ones.. She will be in my prayers.

Lisa McElmurry said...

These are absolutely beautiful! You captured them perfectly!

Boo for cancer. It sounds like she is a real fighter though! I'm sure they'll cherish these images forever!

Ellie McFreaken said...

These pictures are've really captured what life is all about.
Go beat it Marti!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm in tears these photos are beautiful! They are great & I hope to have you take pics of us in our later years even though i've moved to Ft Lauderdale!

Unknown said...

You really do have a wonderful talent for allowing the camera to catch the beauty of your subject's souls.
I am as moved as I am proud to call you sister.

Nicole B. said...

What beautiful and touching images! I love the shot of them holding hands under the cabana.

Brooke said...

These are so touching and gorgeous Shannon! I love the pic esp. under the cabana, wow!! What a beautiful couple, go Marti!

Jen said...

I am a big fan, your work is amazing. I am in love with these photos--Marti and Alan are in my prayers.

Shannon said...

Thank you everybody for the wonderful comments and compliments. Marti is doing fairly well as she undergoes treatment to combat this horrible disease. Thank you again. I will pass on these wonderful comments to her!