Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Miracle of Life {Fort Myers Maternity and Newborn Photographer}

Pregnancy and birth still amaze me even though I understand it and see it all of the time...it's still a mystery to me! (and am experiencing it myself again!)

Here is Jennifer at 36 weeks:

And just four weeks later, Baby Sierra arrived weighing in at 9lb 9oz!!! AND she is 9 days old here:

Perfect newborn skin! Look at those squishy lips!

Mom and Dad are SO happy and proud!


Joy said...

Oh, wow. I love both of these sessions! That first one of the mom is stunning, and that baby...so squishy and beautiful! I love it!

StaceyBurke said...

Shannon the one of her sleeping alone on the bed is so gorgeous! What a pretty baby. I also did not look that model-worthy when I was pg!

Shelly said...

Beautiful!! THe mom, the baby and the pictures!!

Sarah said...

So fun to see the "before" and "after" for this family. They are beautiful.